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Comentarios genuinos de traders satisfechos.

phoentzs High Probability Reversal Strat

Very good work. I am very satisfied.

dag.berggren Automated trading using Prorealtime – Second Edition

Whether you are a beginner or have been doing automated trading for a few years, this book provides an in-depth understanding of the importance of backtesting. The book gave me a much better understanding of all the steps that should be included in backtesting to improve the accuracy of the algorithms. Part of the book is quite advanced, but most of it can be applied to your trading directly, even as a beginner. For me, who has been doing automatic trading for over two years, and still considers myself a beginner, it was absolutely perfect and I can really recommend it. Dag Berggren

lundbergselection All-in-One Divergences Indicator: RSI,STOCHASTIC,MACD, …

The “All-in-One Divergences Indicator V11” offers impressive detection of divergences across multiple oscillators. Its standout feature is signaling when a security is overbought or oversold. With customization options and high-probability setups, it's a valuable tool for ProRealTime users. Highly recommended!

gaspare0830 Capture Breakouts Automatically

Ottimo sistema, anche con uno stop dimezzato non viene pregiudicato il rendimento finale.

fredrik.dahlander Gravity Center (COG) for ProRealTime

Really satisfied with it, looks great also.

davidemtb1 Graphic Pattern indicator Combo: 2 Indicators + 1 Screener

Sono entusiasta di condividere la mia esperienza con questi indicatori. Personalmente, li ho trovati assolutamente perfetti. Grazie ai giusti settaggi, Robotrade ei Pattern grafici mi hanno offerto spunti eccezionali per un trading più efficace. È davvero sorprendente quanto possa migliorare le mie strategie di trading. Devo anche sottolineare l'ottima assistenza tecnica che ho ricevuto. Non mi aspettavo un supporto così eccezionale, ma Alessandro si è dimostrato il jolly perfetto. La sua disponibilità e la sua super competenza sono state veramente impressionanti. Non solo ha risposto prontamente a tutte le mie domande, ma mi ha fornito anche suggerimenti preziosi per sfruttare al massimo questi indicatori. Desidero congratularmi con l'intero team per l'eccellente lavoro svolto di ricerca. È evidente che abbiano dedicato un'attenzione meticolosa nello sviluppo di questi indicatori, garantendo risultati di altissima qualità. Sono rimasto colpito dalla loro professionalità e dedizione.

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Price Action Trend Following Strategies

From the innovative minds at FXAutomate and our partners, comes our most ambitious venture into the realm of financial market strategies yet. With the culmination of more than a decade of experience in trading and developing hundreds of strategies we are pleased to introduce 4 different “Price Action Trend Following” strategies as our most exciting […]

Thu Feb 22

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  • 1294
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Maximize Your Profit Potential with Divergence Trading

Divergence trading is a popular strategy among technical traders, as it allows them to identify potential reversals in a financial instrument’s price.

Fri Dec 16

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  • 2694
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Linear Reversion Trading - a combination of both mean reversion and linear regression

From the same developer who brought you the High Probability Reversal Strat one of the very first and most popular automated strategies of the ProRealCode marketplace launched back in May 2021, FXAutomate is pleased to announce their latest product called Linear Reversion Trader (see below)

Thu Dec 1

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  • 2973
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Pague sólo por los productos de mayor Calidad
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Instalación rápida y sencilla de los productos en su Plataforma ProRealTime .