The Revolution Algorithm, the only bot that manages “SIX” Trading Systems on the “FOUR” major world indices
US500 Revolutionary Strategy N ° 1
Nasdaq Revolutionary Strategy N ° 2
Nasdaq Perfect Revolution N ° 3
Dax Revolutionary Predator N ° 4
Dow J. Revolutionary Predator N ° 5
Nasdaq Revolutionary Predator N ° 6
All SIX strategies work with a 3 Minute Time Frame
Trading systems are effective with both long and short trades
Active capital management
Backtesting performed until December 2020
Walk forward performed 70/30 not anchored
All Nine Bots have undergone a Stress Test with the Montecarlo software in order to be efficient and profitable
All these algorithms are used on a ” REAL ACCOUNT “
The trading systems listed above can:
Be chosen on the basis of your personal risk, or the possible desired return.
Then you have the option to choose which Bot suits your trading style, or precisely the risk you want to have from the algorithm.
So you can:
Insert only one algorithm in ProOrder, or if you want 2,3,4,5 or even all SIX Bots.
The simple instructions to choose the algorithm, or the algorithms to put in ProOrder can be found in “MY ACCOUNT” and then in “DOWNLOADS”
US500 Revolutionary Strategy
It operates exclusively at the opening of the American indices, and then based on price movements, enter the market with both Long and Short operations.
Everything can take place only and exclusively between 15:30 – 17:00
Capital management
The trading system has a capital management to be able to obtain a high performance with a low drawdown, moreover it can only execute one trade per day.
Algorithm details
Entrance time : 15:30 – 17:00
Stoploss for Long operations: 1,80%
Stoploss for Short operations: 1,00%
Trailing stop : Yes
Max DrawDown : € 2.453,10 with 10 contracts of 1 €
Both Long and Short Target : Adaptable to market volatility:
Max Performance achieved 4,98%
Weekend : If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 18:00 on Friday
Free choice on the number of contracts to be used
€10,600 LIVE in less than 2 years with 10 Contracts
UPDATE: A volatility filter has been added
The algorithm was updated on September 19, 2024
Nasdaq Revolutionary Strategy
It operates exclusively at the opening of the American indices, and then based on price movements, enter the market with both Long and Short operations.
Everything can take place only and exclusively between 15:30 – 17:45
Capital management
The trading system has a capital management to be able to obtain a high performance with a low drawdown, moreover it can only execute one trade per day.
Algorithm details
Entrance time : 15:30 – 17:45
Stoploss for Long operations: 1,15%
Stoploss for Short operations: 0.95%
Trailing stop : Yes
Max DrawDown : € 747,40 with 1 contracts of 1 €
Both Long and Short Target : Adaptable to market volatility:
Max Performance achieved 4,24%
Weekend : If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 17:00 on Friday
Free choice on the number of contracts to be used
LIVE results with a single € 1 contract
Updated August 18, 2023
Updated August 4, 2024
Nasdaq Perfect Revolution
It operates exclusively at the opening of the American indices, therefore based on the price movements and the trend of the index, it enters the market with both Long and Short operations.
Everything can take place only and exclusively from 15:30 to 22:00
Capital management
The trading system has a capital management in order to obtain a high performance with a low drawdown.
Entrance time : 15:30 – 22:00
Stoploss for long operations : 0.80%
Stoploss for short trades : 0.80%
Trailing stop : Yes
Max DrawDown : € 762,80 with 1 contracts of 1 €
Free choice on the number of contracts to be used
LIVE results with a single € 1 contract
In this update only the Trailing stop has been modified, this has allowed a strong decrease of the DrawDown and a more stable performance (-40% of the DrawDown)
Dax Predator Revolutionary :
Enter the market with both Long and Short trades
Capital management:
The trading system has capital management to achieve high performance with low drawdown, and can only execute one trade per day
Details of the algorithm:
Stoploss for Long trades are managed according to the trading time with a maximum:
Stoploss for Short trades are managed based on the trade time with a maximum :
Trailer stop
: yes
Max DrawDown :
€889,80 with 1 €1 contract
Long and short target :
adaptable to market volatility and trading time
Weekend :
If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 22:00 on Friday
LIVE results with a single € 1 contract
UPDATE: The signal for market entries has been differentiated between Long and Short, thus obtaining a better DrawDown
Dow J. Predator Revolutionary :
Enter the market with both Long and Short trades
Capital management:
The trading system has capital management to achieve high performance with low drawdown, and can only execute one trade per day
Details of the algorithm:
Stoploss for Long trades are managed according to the trading time with a maximum:
Stoploss for Short trades are managed based on the trade time with a maximum :
Trailer stop
: yes
Max DrawDown :
€2.070,20 with 1 €1 contract
Long and short target :
adaptable to market volatility and trading time
Weekend :
If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 22:00 on Friday
Forward walk performed 70/30 without anchoring Annually
€8,850 LIVE in less than 2 years with 1 Contract
UPDATE: The signal for market entries has been differentiated between Long and Short, thus obtaining a better DrawDown
UPDATE: The algorithm has been updated with the important seasonality feature.
Nasdaq Predator Revolutionary :
Enter the market with both Long and Short trades
Capital management:
The trading system has capital management to achieve high performance with low drawdown, and can only execute one trade per day
Details of the algorithm:
Stoploss for Long trades are managed according to the trading time with a maximum:
Stoploss for Short trades are managed based on the trade time with a maximum :
Trailer stop
: yes
Max DrawDown :
€611.20 with 1 contract of €1
Long and short target :
adaptable to market volatility and trading time
Weekend :
If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 10pm on Friday
LIVE results with a single € 1 contract
€3,150 LIVE in less than 2 years with 1 Contract
Updated with a trend filter for better performance and 20% lower drawdown
Updated with seasonality filter on August 12, 2024
DV (client confirmé) –
Je me suis abonné à ce robot de trading à la mi-janvier 2023, et j’ai d’abord été attiré par son prix raisonnable et la disponibilité de plusieurs bots différents. Après les avoir tous backtestés, j’ai décidé d’utiliser en direct les deux systèmes qui correspondaient le mieux à mon profil : Predator sur le DAX et le Nasdaq. Malheureusement, mes résultats avec un contrat de 0,5 ont été décevants. Nombre total de transactions sur le Nasdaq = 30 et 26 sur le DAX). Bien que les deux systèmes aient eu des pourcentages élevés de trades gagnants (80% pour le Nasdaq et 84% pour le DAX), les profits de ces trades étaient trop faibles pour compenser les pertes encourues par les trades qui ont atteint le stop loss. Au total, j’ai perdu 572 euros sans tenir compte des frais du système (-301 pour le Nasdaq et -271 pour le DAX). Bien qu’il soit possible que le système soit plus performant sur une période plus longue, je ne me sens plus assez confiant pour continuer à trader avec ces résultats. C’est dommage, car Mauro a été amical et a répondu rapidement à mes questions. Dans l’ensemble, j’aurais souhaité que le système soit plus performant ou que je sois mieux équipé pour gérer ses caractéristiques statistiques.
j.sheldrick (client confirmé) –
Les bots de trading ont été mis en place avec l’aide de Mauro, il reste quelques modifications à faire mais elles sont très basiques, Mauro est heureux d’aider. Les bots en cours d’exécution n’ont pas encore donné de résultats, mais tous semblent afficher des gains positifs, les bots predator et prefect rev affichant les meilleurs gains.
Aykut Erdogrul (client confirmé) –
Un bon service avec toutes les différentes stratégies. Nasdaq revolutions est ma préférée 👍
kevin_svenssonmolina (client confirmé) –
Algos bien pensés et extrêmement abordables ! fortement recommandé. En outre, réponse directe si vous avez des questions. très bon support.
Baro (client confirmé) –
Invention parfaite, vous avez la possibilité de choisir ou de changer de Bot ou d’index sans avoir à en acheter six, mais avec un seul algorithme vous avez tout cela. Mauro s’est toujours rendu disponible pour répondre à mes nombreuses questions et à mes incertitudes initiales sur le choix à faire.
Casta (client confirmé) –
J’utilise les robots RELOLUTION depuis 3 semaines, j’ai commencé seulement avec le DOW J. avec 1 contrat, et il s’est comporté d’une manière extraordinaire, à partir d’une semaine avec le gain, je suis aussi entré dans le US500 avec 5 contrats. Avec l’argent gagné, j’ai déjà payé 2 ans d’abonnement, c’est vraiment du bon travail. Mauro est très professionnel, disponible pour toute question ou préoccupation concernant les Bots.