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The Revolution Algorithm, the only bot that manages “SIX” Trading Systems on the “FOUR” major world indices

US500       Revolutionary Strategy   N ° 1

Nasdaq     Revolutionary Strategy   N ° 2

Nasdaq     Perfect Revolution           N ° 3

Dax             Revolutionary Predator  N ° 4

Dow J.       Revolutionary Predator  N ° 5

Nasdaq     Revolutionary Predator  N ° 6


All SIX strategies work with a 3 Minute Time Frame
Trading systems are effective with both long and short trades
Active capital management
Backtesting performed until December 2020
Walk forward performed 70/30 not anchored
All Nine Bots have undergone a Stress Test with the Montecarlo software in order to be efficient and profitable


All these algorithms are used on a ” REAL ACCOUNT “


The trading systems listed above can:

Be chosen on the basis of your personal risk, or the possible desired return.

Then you have the option to choose which Bot suits your trading style, or precisely the risk you want to have from the algorithm.

So you can:
Insert only one algorithm in ProOrder, or if you want 2,3,4,5  or even all SIX Bots.

The simple instructions to choose the algorithm, or the algorithms to put in ProOrder can be found in “MY ACCOUNT” and then in “DOWNLOADS”






US500    Revolutionary Strategy 

It operates exclusively at the opening of the American indices, and then based on price movements, enter the market with both Long and Short operations.

Everything can take place only and exclusively between 15:30 – 17:00

Capital management

The trading system has a capital management to be able to obtain a high performance with a low drawdown, moreover it can only execute one trade per day.

Algorithm details

Entrance time                           : 15:30 – 17:00
Stoploss for Long operations: 1,80%
Stoploss for Short operations: 1,00%
Trailing stop                              : Yes
Max DrawDown                        : € 2.453,10  with 10 contracts of 1 €
Both Long and Short Target  : Adaptable to market volatility:
Max Performance achieved      4,98%
Weekend                                    : If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 18:00 on Friday

Free choice on the number of contracts to be used

€10,600 LIVE in less than 2 years with 10 Contracts

UPDATE: A volatility filter has been added

The algorithm was updated on September 19, 2024



Nasdaq    Revolutionary Strategy 

It operates exclusively at the opening of the American indices, and then based on price movements, enter the market with both Long and Short operations.

Everything can take place only and exclusively between 15:30 – 17:45

Capital management

The trading system has a capital management to be able to obtain a high performance with a low drawdown, moreover it can only execute one trade per day.

Algorithm details

Entrance time                           : 15:30 – 17:45
Stoploss for Long operations:  1,15%
Stoploss for Short operations: 0.95%
Trailing stop                              : Yes
Max DrawDown                        : € 747,40   with 1 contracts of 1 €
Both Long and Short Target  : Adaptable to market volatility:
Max Performance achieved      4,24%
Weekend                                    : If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 17:00 on Friday

Free choice on the number of contracts to be used

LIVE results with a single € 1 contract

Updated August 18, 2023

Updated August 4, 2024



Nasdaq    Perfect Revolution 

It operates exclusively at the opening of the American indices, therefore based on the price movements and the trend of the index, it enters the market with both Long and Short operations.

Everything can take place only and exclusively from 15:30 to 22:00


Capital management

The trading system has a capital management in order to obtain a high performance with a low drawdown.


Entrance time                                         : 15:30 – 22:00
Stoploss for long operations               : 0.80%
Stoploss for short trades                      : 0.80%
Trailing stop                                            : Yes
Max DrawDown                                     : € 762,80   with 1 contracts of 1 €

Free choice on the number of contracts to be used


LIVE results with a single € 1 contract

In this update only the Trailing stop has been modified, this has allowed a strong decrease of the DrawDown and a more stable performance (-40% of the DrawDown)






Dax Predator Revolutionary :
Enter the market with both Long and Short trades

Capital management:
The trading system has capital management to achieve high performance with low drawdown, and can only execute one trade per day


Details of the algorithm:

Stoploss for Long trades are managed according to the trading time with a maximum:


Stoploss for Short trades are managed based on the trade time with a maximum :


Trailer stop

: yes

Max DrawDown :

€889,80 with 1 €1 contract

Long and short target :

adaptable to market volatility and trading time

Weekend  :

If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 22:00 on Friday

LIVE results with a single € 1 contract

UPDATE: The signal for market entries has been differentiated between Long and Short, thus obtaining a better DrawDown

Dow J. Predator Revolutionary :
Enter the market with both Long and Short trades

Capital management:
The trading system has capital management to achieve high performance with low drawdown, and can only execute one trade per day

Details of the algorithm:

Stoploss for Long trades are managed according to the trading time with a maximum:


Stoploss for Short trades are managed based on the trade time with a maximum :


Trailer stop

: yes

Max DrawDown :

€2.070,20  with 1 €1 contract

Long and short target :

adaptable to market volatility and trading time

Weekend  :

If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 22:00 on Friday

Forward walk performed 70/30 without anchoring Annually



€8,850 LIVE in less than 2 years with 1 Contract

UPDATE: The signal for market entries has been differentiated between Long and Short, thus obtaining a better DrawDown


UPDATE: The algorithm has been updated with the important seasonality feature.

Nasdaq  Predator Revolutionary :
Enter the market with both Long and Short trades

Capital management:
The trading system has capital management to achieve high performance with low drawdown, and can only execute one trade per day

Details of the algorithm:

Stoploss for Long trades are managed according to the trading time with a maximum:


Stoploss for Short trades are managed based on the trade time with a maximum :


Trailer stop

: yes

Max DrawDown :

€611.20 with 1 contract of €1

Long and short target :

adaptable to market volatility and trading time

Weekend :

If the trade is open, it will be strictly closed by 10pm on Friday



LIVE results with a single € 1 contract


€3,150  LIVE  in less than 2 years with 1 Contract

Updated with a trend filter for better performance and 20% lower drawdown


Updated with seasonality filter on August 12, 2024











Informazioni aggiuntive

Subscription Time

1 Month, 3 Months, 6 Months, 1 Year, 1 Week


  1. Italiano

    DV (proprietario verificato)


    Mi sono iscritto a questo robot di trading a metà gennaio 2023 e inizialmente sono stato attratto dal suo prezzo ragionevole e dalla disponibilità di diversi bot. Dopo averli testati tutti, ho deciso di operare in diretta con i due sistemi più adatti al mio profilo: Predator sul DAX e sul Nasdaq. Purtroppo, i miei risultati con un contratto da 0,5 sono stati deludenti. Totale operazioni sul Nasdaq = 30 e 26 sul DAX). Sebbene entrambi i sistemi abbiano registrato un’alta percentuale di operazioni vincenti (80% per il Nasdaq e 84% per il DAX), i profitti di queste operazioni sono stati troppo esigui per compensare le perdite subite dalle operazioni che hanno colpito lo stop loss. In totale, ho perso 572 dollari senza considerare le commissioni del sistema (-301 per il Nasdaq e -271 per il DAX). Sebbene sia possibile che il sistema possa funzionare meglio su un periodo di tempo più lungo, non mi sento più abbastanza sicuro per continuare a fare trading con questi risultati. È un peccato, perché Mauro è stato cordiale e veloce nel rispondere alle mie richieste. Nel complesso, vorrei solo che il sistema avesse funzionato meglio o che io fossi più preparato a gestire le sue caratteristiche statistiche.

  2. Italiano

    j.sheldrick (proprietario verificato)


    I bot di trading sono stati impostati con l’assistenza di Mauro, con qualche modifica da fare ma molto basilare, Mauro è felice di aiutare. I bot attualmente in funzione devono ancora vedere i risultati, tuttavia tutti sembrano registrare guadagni positivi con i bot predator e prefect rev che mostrano i guadagni migliori.

  3. Italiano

    Aykut Erdogrul (proprietario verificato)


    Un bel servizio con tutte le diverse strategie. Nasdaq revolutions è il mio preferito 👍

  4. Italiano

    kevin_svenssonmolina (proprietario verificato)


    Algoritmi ben congegnati ed estremamente convenienti! altamente raccomandato. Inoltre, risposta diretta in caso di domande. supporto molto buono.

  5. Italiano

    Baro (proprietario verificato)


    Invenzione perfetta, si ha la possibilità di scegliere o cambiare Bot o indice senza doverne acquistare sei, ma con un unico algoritmo si ha tutto questo. Mauro si è sempre reso disponibile alle mie numerose domande e alle iniziali incertezze su quale scegliere.

  6. Italiano

    Casta (proprietario verificato)


    Uso il bot RELOLUTION da 3 settimane, ho iniziato solo con il DOW J. con 1 contratto, e si è comportato in modo straordinario, da 1 settimana con il guadagno sono entrato anche in US500 con 5 contratti. Con i soldi guadagnati ho già pagato 2 anni di abbonamento, sicuramente un ottimo lavoro. Mauro è molto professionale, disponibile per qualsiasi domanda o dubbio sui Bot.

Solamente clienti che hanno effettuato l'accesso ed hanno acquistato questo prodotto possono lasciare una recensione.

Richiesta Prodotto

Your personal data will be used to support your experience throughout this website, to manage access to your account, and for other purposes described in our privacy policy

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ALL TIME FRAME -- All time frame, that is possibility of using the algorithm in different time frames, can be used in 30 seconds, or in 1-3-5-15-20 minutes, based on the risk and index used

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