

Automated trading learning

  • (professional vendor)
  • 4.71 out of 5 based

Vendor Review

  1. 5 out of 5

    Nice didactic, advanced, well-written and educational e-book. Everything has already been said in the previous comments, a must-have for getting started in algorithmic trading, beginner's word. Bravo to the author.

  2. 4 out of 5

    This bundle seems nice . I have not tried all the patterns of the bundle , only the patterns that are most relevant , i.e VW and Cup&Handle and both are screened well . I suggest that two others profitable patterns be added to this Bundle, or can create a new bundle , i.e 'Wedges' and 'simple Trendlines' drawn on a series of successive HIGHs or LOWs .

  3. 5 out of 5

    Whether you are a beginner or have been doing automated trading for a few years, this book provides an in-depth understanding of the importance of backtesting. The book gave me a much better understanding of all the steps that should be included in backtesting to improve the accuracy of the algorithms. Part of the book is quite advanced, but most of it can be applied to your trading directly, even as a beginner. For me, who has been doing automatic trading for over two years, and still considers myself a beginner, it was absolutely perfect and I can really recommend it. Dag Berggren

  4. 5 out of 5

    I haven't read half of it and I've already learned a lot. I'd highly recommend it for any beginner or experienced trader wanting to get involved in algorithmic trading. Many thanks to the author!

  5. 5 out of 5

    This book is impressive: it combines multiple disciplines such software engineering, math, trading of course… it is very clear with simple to understand. Congratulations to the author!

  6. 5 out of 5

    a fascinating, comprehensive, very clear, very didactic book, at a very good level, which gives a very good overview of automated trading and its essential concepts, in short, a must-have in every trader's library.

  7. 4 out of 5

    The prorealtime programming guide doesn't explain in detail how the code works. This book fill in some gaps and has quite a few examples and ideas. It has paid for itself quickly just on use of the 'QUIT' instruction alone. I am finding it very helpful.