1-2-3 Swing trading screener
Scan the markets for the 123 patterns!
Using this Proscreener code, with the Prorealtime trading platform, you can select multiple markets at the same time, select the timeframe, and start a scan, to quickly identify the instrument where a new 1-2-3 pattern has been identified.
How the screener works is explained in the following presentation:
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Proscreener is an extremely versatile ProRealTime application, because it allows you to scan your favorite markets in search of the chosen conditions. This application is of fundamental importance for your graphical analysis.
Advantages of using the “1-2-3 Swing trading pattern” market scan
- Automatically identifies the pattern on multiple markets in real time
- it can perform a search on all markets in a few seconds
- The scan can be customized with the desired markets and timeframes
- With a simple click on the list of selected markets, you will access their charts
- Save time and energy
- Compatible with all instruments
- Compatible with all time units from 1 minute to 1 week
- Essential for your technical analysis
- We offer for free the indicator once you have bought this product.
This product works in any Futures, Forex or Stock/ETF Markets
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